Amusement Products offers two styles of free-roam VR arenas from VEX Solutions, each with multiple games to attract and immerse your customers!

The 6-player VEX Adventure is the leading hyper-reality VR attraction that delivers memorable adventures with 4D effects that include haptic feedback, wind, smell, heat, vibrating floors, vibrating vests, vibrating masks, and hand recognition. 
Players roam freely around the arena wearing “all-in-one” masks to generate the video of the virtual experience and capture the game interaction between the players, without being tethered to a computer or carrying a heavy computer on their backs. Players will feel as if they have walked through an entire mine, a four story mansion, or any of many different game environments. As they move through secret doors, up and down elevators, ride trains or many other transitions, they will feel the floor vibrate, the wind blow, the heat from a fire, and smell the ashes as they move though a burning mansion! The VEX Adventure has more haptic responses of any VR available. For instance, when a zombie touches a player, their vest will vibrate on the side they are attacked. If they are swatted in the head, their mask will vibrate. If the train they are standing on starts to rumble down the tracks, the floor will vibrate. There is a wide variety of games, and new games are in development. Escape Room adventures are also availabe in a fully immersive environment! Lastly, this arena has a true E-SPORT mode so you can have park champions or even compete in international tournaments with players around the world. VEX even supplies prizes for the international event winners!
The 4-10 player expandable VEX Arena is a lower cost arena with a wide variety of games, both competitive and cooperative. 
The VEX Arena has its own set of games and adventures and uses free-roaming masks much like the VEX Adventure. Players travel through their environment rather than stand in one spot! Find the hidden door! Open the gate to access the lower level! Roam through the third floor as zombies continue to pursue you! Players will feel like they have been on a long journey even though they never left the boundary established by the arena.
The VEX Arena playing area is expandable from four players up to 10 players providing 2.5x the revenue per hour. The economical VEX Arena has only a portion of the visual structure than the VEX Adventure because it does not have the haptics of the VEX Adventure. However, the VEX Arena is expandable! With a marginal increase of space, you can have 6 players in a 400 sq.ft. area and up to 10 players in a 1,100 sq.ft. area. The design of each game and the ability to see other players in the game environment allow players to avoid each other and still be in an amazingly different world! As the number of players increase, so does the fun, excitement, and challenge.
While the basic arena consists only of a floor (used to accurately position players in the game environment), the control tower (used to hang masks and house the game server), and stanchions to contain players, the VEX Arena can be enhanced and given additional “wow factor” to draw attention to the attraction. For instance, a large printed banner can be hung on the back wall to let customers know that it is a VR Arena with a wide variety of games. Up to six additional monitors can be added to trusses surrounding the arena to display game options, in-game videos, players’ scores and game results. Haptic vests can be added to provide more immersion to the games. The addition of these components will increase the initial cost, but will also increase arena play and gross revenue.
VEX Adventure and VEX Arenas are distributed in North America and Mexico exclusively by Amusement Products in partnership with VEX Solutions.